Thursday, September 3, 2009

Test Data Structure

Thursday, September 3, 2009
about 6 hour and 30 minutes from now I hv a test in subject Data Structure..ssh gak la subject ni..I dont think I could score in this test but I will try..At least ak da ready la nk jwb sume question yg die bg cm dlm hint, tp bab theory ak confuse ckit..there is a lot of theory and I dont know which one I must tired..nk menghafal mn satu nth..Data Structure ni cm C++ yg ak amik time dip dulu la..dulu dpt C je kot..xingt da.xkn kali ni pn nk dpt C, kn la study hard ckit..xd da nk study smart..coz I'm not so smart..hehe, especially for this subject..a lot of term, variable that I dont know how to used it..I just try to remember but not to understand,thats problem rite?dont hv je la..huhu.


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